Boolean Compound Object 343
Parameters rollout
Operands group
Operands list f ield—Displays the current operands.
Name—Edit this field to change the name of the
and it will a lso appear in the Name box.
Extract Operand—Extractsacopyoraninstanceof
the s elected operand. Choose one of the operands
in the list window to enable this button.
Note: This button is available only in the Modify
panel. You can’t extract an operand while the
Create panel is active.
Instance/Copy—Lets you specify how the operand
is extracted: as either an instance (page 3–957) or a
Operation group
Union—The B oolean object contains the volume
of both original objects. The intersecting or
overlapping portion of the geometry is removed.
IntersectionThe Bo olean object contains only
the volume that was common to b oth original
objects (in other words, where they overlapped).
Subtraction (A-B)—Subtracts the intersection
volume of operand B from operand A. The
Boolean object contains the volume of operand A
w ith the intersection volume subtracted from it.
Subtraction (B-A)Subtracts the intersection
volume of operand A from operand B. The
Boolean object contains the volume of operand B
w ith the intersection volume subtracted from it.
Cut—Cuts operand A with operand B, but do esn’t
works lik e the Slice modifier (page 1–825),but
instead of using a planar gizmo, Cut uses the shape
of operand B as the cutting plane. Cut treats the
geometry of the Boolean object as volumes rather
than closed solids. Cut does not add geometry
from operand B to operand A. Operand B
intersections define cut areas for altering geometry
in operand A.
There are four t ypes of Cut:
RefineAdds new vert ices and edges to
operand A where operand B intersects the faces
of operand A. 3ds Max refines the resulting
geometry of operand A with additional faces
inside the intersected area of operand B. Faces
cut by the intersection are subdivided into new
faces. You might use this option to refine a
material ID to the object.
Split—Works like Refine but also adds a second
or double set of vertices and edges along the
boundary where operand B cuts operand A.
Split produces two elements belong ing to the