Surf ace Parameters Rollout 355
Inter face
Smoothing group
Left: Smoothing the length
Right: Smoothing the width
Rear: Smoothing b oth len gth and width
Smooth Length—Provides a smooth surface along
the lengt h of the path. This type of smoothing is
useful when your path curves or when shapes on
Smooth Widt h—Provides a smooth surface around
the perimeter of the cross-section shapes. This
type of smoothing is useful when your shapes
change the number of vertices or change form.
Mapping group
Bitmap used to create the lines on the road
Mapped roadway showing U a nd V dimensions for the loft
Apply Ma pping—Turns lofted mapping coordinates
on and off. Apply Mapping must be on in order to
access the remaining items.
Real-World Map Size—Controls the scaling method
used for texture mapped materials that are applied
totheobject. Thescalingvaluesarecontrolled
by the Use Real-World Scale settings found in
the applied material’s Coordinates rollout (page
Lengt h Repe at Sets the number of t imes a map
repeats along the length of the path. The bottom
of the map is placed at the first vertex of the path.