362 Chapter 5: Creating Geometry
Roadway lofted with Banki ng turned on
Constant Cross Section—When on, the cross
sections are scaled at angles in the path to maintain
uniform path width. When off, the cross sections
maintain their original local dimensions, causing
pinching at path angles.
Frame lofted with Constant Cross Section turned off
Frame lofted with Constant Cross Section turned on
Linear I nterpolati on—When on, generates a loft
skin with straight edges between each shape.
When off, generates a loft skin with smooth curves
between each shape. Default=off.
Left: Object lofted with Linear Interp olation turned off
Right: Object lofted with Linear Interpolation turned on
Flip Nor mals—When on, reverses the normals 180
degrees. Use this option to correct objects that are
inside-out. Default=off.
Quad sides—When on, and when two sections of
faces that stitch the sections together are displayed
as quads . Sides between sections with different
numbers of sides are not affected, and ar e still
connected with triangles. Default=off.