376 Chapter 5: Creating Geometry
to b e able to be used by the Mesher object, so
if you want only the Mesher replica to render,
Inter face
Parameters rollout
Pick Object—Click this button and then selec t the
object to be instanced by t he Mesher object. After
on the button.
Time Offset—The number of frames ahead of
or behind the original particle system that the
Mesher’s particle system will run. Default=0.
Build Only At Render T imeWhen on, the Mesher
results do not appear in the viewports, but only
when you render the scene. Default=off.
computation required for the viewport display.
Update—After editing the original particle system
settings or changing the Mesher Time Offset
setting, click this button to see the changes in the
Mesher system.
Custom Bounding Box—When on, Mesher
replaces the dynamic bounding box derived from
bounding box of the user’s choice.
Pick Bounding Box—To specify a cu stom bounding
box object, click this button and then select the
wireframe when the modifier is highlighted in the
Tip: You can use any object as a bounding box, s o
it is often fastest to use the particle system itself.
size you want and pick it.
(coord inat e va lues )—Displays the coordinates of
Use All P Flow Events—When on, and you’ve applied
Mesher to a Particle Flow (page 2–109) system,
Mesher automatically creates mesh objects for
every event (page 3–935) in the system.
To use only certain events, tur n this off and specify
the events to use with the PFlow Events g roup
controls (see following).