ProBoolean Compound Object 385
Parameters rollout
Operation group
These settings determine how the Boolean
operands interact physically.
Union—Combines two or more separate entities
into a single Boolean object.
IntersectionCreates a "new" object from the
physical intersection between the original objects;
the non-intersecting volumes are removed.
Subtraction—Removes the volume of a selec ted
object from the orig ina l object.
Merge—Combines objects into a single object
w ithout removing any geometry. New edges are
created w here the objects intersect.
Note: In the following illustra tion, the display
property Backface Cull was turned off so tha t all
edges are v isible.
Left: Original object (box) and operand (small box)
Center: Union operation; part of the s maller box is removed.
Right: Merge operation, showing new edges at intersection
Cook i e—Cuts the faces of the ori ginal mesh shape,
affecting only those faces. The faces of the selected
operand are not added to the Bo olean result.
1. Original object (box) and operand (sphere)
2. Standard Subtraction operation
3. Subtraction with Cookie on
4. Standard Intersection operation
5. Intersection with Cookie on
Imprint—Prints the outline of the shape (or
intersection edges) onto the original mesh object.
Left: Original object (box) and operand (text)
Center: Standard Subtraction operation
Note: The result of the Imprint operation is always
the same; the main Operation choice has no effect
on it.