ProCutter Compound Object 389
Inter face
Cutter Pick ing Parameters rollo ut
Pick Cutter Objects—When on, objects you select
are designated as cutters, used to subdivide stock
Pick Stock Objects—When on, objects you select
are designated as stock objects; that is, objects that
are subdivided by cutters.
Choose a radio button to specify how the next
object you pick is transferred to the ProCutter
Reference—The Boolean operation uses a
reference (page 3–1002) to the picked operand,
so the object remains after being incorporated
into the Boolean object. Future modifications
to the orig inally picked object will also modify
the Boolean operation. Use Reference to
synchronize modifier-induced changes to the
original operand with the new opera nd, but not
Co pyThe B oolean operation uses a copy of
the picked operand. The selected object is
unaffected by the Boolean operation, but a copy
of it participates in the Boolean operation.
MoveThe picked operand becomes par t of the
Boolean operation and is no longer available
as a separate object in the scene. This is the
default choice.
Instance—The Boolean operation makes an
instance (page 3–957) of the selec ted object.
Future modifications of the selected object will
also modify the instanced object participatin g
in the Boolean operation and vice-versa.
Cutter Tool Mode group
These options let you use the cutter as a sculpting
tool, cutting the same object repeatedly in different
places. You can also get separate objects without
having to go throug h Editable Mesh conversion.
Auto Extr act Mode—Automatically extracts the
result w hen you select a stock object. It does not
maintain the stock as a sub-object, but edits it and
replaces the object with the result of the cut. T his
lets you quickly cut, move the cutter, and cut again.
Explode B y Elements—When Auto Extract is on,
detaches each elem ent into a separate object
is off.
This convenient option makes it unnecessary to
format and then use Explode, as mentioned in
this procedure (page 1–388).Thisisusefulwhen
cutting up an object. For example, you could use it
to slice a loaf of bread. You use the cutter to cut a
Parameters rollout
You can choose an y combination of the three
cutting options to get the desired result. If you
have non-closed meshes, the orientation of the
mesh might determine which part of the stock is
considered to b e inside or outside the cutter.