Quad M eshing and Smoothing 393
adjusttheQuadSize%parameter. Typicallya
value between 1 and 4 percent achieves the desired
results. The sma ller the quad size, the smaller the
resulting fillets or blends between the surfaces
when the mesh is s moothed. The default Quad
Size value is 3 .0 percent. A Quad Size value of 2.0
percent produces the following result:
Quad meshing with Quad Size %=2.0
If you know t hat you have the desired result and
the original primitives, you can convert the object
to Editable Poly format and apply smoothing with
the Subdivision Surface sett ings. If this is not
the case, however, and you plan to ma ke furt her
adjustments, use the MeshSmooth (page 1–722) or
TurboSmooth (page 1–868) modifier to retain the
history of the ProBoolean object . The following
illustration shows the result of a MeshSmooth
modifier with Subdivision Amount > Iterations=1
applied to a ProBoolean object with Quad Size %
set to 3 .0.
MeshSmooth modifier with NURMS and Iterations=1
Rendered imag e after M eshSmooth modifier applied
Quad Meshing T ips and Trick s
Sometimes the results of quad meshing can
produce undesirable results in the smoothed
Problem #1 :Stripesalongcylindersorbumpiness
on other surface
Solution: Increase the number of subdivisions
around cylinders or along other surfaces.