Using Transform Gizmos 427
Scale gizmo
let you quickly choose one or two axes when
transforming a selection with the mouse. You
of the icon, and then drag the mouse to transform
the selection along that axis. In addition, when
moving or scaling an object, you can use other
any two axes simultaneously. Using a gizmo avoids
the need to first specif y a t r ansform axis or axes
on the Axis Constraints toolbar (page 3–687),and
also lets you switch quickly and easily between
different t ransform axes and planes.
A Transform g izmo appears when one or more
objects are selected and one of the t ransform
buttons (Select And Move (page 1–439), Select And
Rotate (page 1–439),orSelect And Scale (page
1–440)) is active on the toolbar. Each transform
type uses a different gizmo. By default, each axis is
assigned one of three colors: X is red, Y is green,
and Z is blue. The corners of the Move gizmo are
assigned the two colors of the related axes; for
example, the corner for the XZ plane is red and
When you position the mouse over any axis, it
turns yellow to indicate that it’s active. Similarly,
drag the selection along the indicated axis or axes.
Doing so changes the Axis Constraints toolbar
"Restrict to ..." setting (page 1–437).
Move Gizmo
option to use a center box handle.
You can select any of the axis handles to constrain
movement to that axis. In addition, the plane
handles a llow you to constrain movement to the
XY, YZ, or XZ planes. T he selection hotspot is
w ithin the s quare formed by the plane handles.
You can change the size and offset of the handles
and other settings on the Gizmos panel (page
3–832) of the Preferences dialog (page 3–815).
You can constrain translation to the v iewport
plane by dragging the center box. To use this
optional control, turn on Move In Screen Space.