482 Chapter 7: Creating Copies and Arrays
spacing increases or decreases proportionately
with respect to the transform center.
Nested Copies
When the selection center is used as the
transform center for a single object, scaling occurs
symmetrically around that center, producing
nested copies.
As you scale in toward the center, smaller and
smaller copies are created.
In the other direction, the original object is
enclosed by increasingly larger copies.
Variations are possible, depending on the type
of scale and axis limitations. For example, you
can scale a flat b ox into a progressively stepped
pyramid by using Squash (page 1–442) and cloning
inward on the Z axis.
Offset Centers
Shif t +Scale, any center other than the
local pivot has the effect of creating an ar ray of
progressively scaled objects. Again, objects scale
down in size toward the center, while increasing in
size further away. However, this effect is limited by
the p articular scale option and the axis constraints,
as discussed next.
Axis Constraints
Uniform Scale is unaffected by axis constraints,
which you can set with the Transform Gizmo.
Copies are always arrayed in or out from the center
of the current coordinate system.
For Non-Uniform Scale and Squash, scaling
occurs only along the axis or axes set with the
restricted axes.
Note: The Restric t To ... buttons (also called the
Axis Constraints buttons) are available on the
Axis Constraints toolbar (page 3–687),whichisoff
by default. You c an togg le display of this toolbar
by right-clicking an empty area of a toolbar and
choosing Axis Constraints from the Customize
Display right-click menu (page 3–787).
Animating Shift +Rotate and
Shift +Scale
When the Auto Key button (page 3–717) is on, the
transform center defaults to local pivot, and the
Use Center flyout (page 1–445) on the toolbar is
unavailable. If you choose one of the other centers
and activate A uto Key, the center returns to the
local pivot. This means you can’t dir ectly animate
about a non-local pivot center with
Shif t +Rotate
Shif t +Scale. For example, you can’t use this
method to create clones in an arc or circular arra y
around a common center.
Usin g N on-Loca l Center s
cloning, you can do any of the follow ing:
Offset the local pivot.
Change the default anim ation center.
Using a Dummy Objec t as Center
In this procedure, you use the axis tr ipod of the
dummy object as the center for rotation or scale.
To use a dummy object as center:
Create a dummy object (page 2–16) at the center
of rotation or scaling.
2. Link the object or objects you want to
clone to the dummy object, which becomes the
3. Select both the dummy and the objects,
Shif t +Rotate or
Shi f t +Sca le.