486 Chapter 7: Creating Copies and Arrays
Move, Rotate, and Scale Transforms
You set Move, Rotate, and Scale parameters a long
any of the three axes of the current coordinate
Move is set in cur rent u nits. Use a negative
direction of the axis.
create the array in a clockw ise direction around
the axis.
Scale is set as a percentage. 100 percent is full
size. Settings below 100 decrease the size, and
above 100 increase it.
Incremental and Totals
For each transform, you have t he choice of whether
to apply the transforms successively to each newly
created element in the array or to the overall array.
120.0 and Array Dimensions > 1D > Count to 3,
transform centers is 120.0 units apart. However,
if you set Totals > X > Move to 120.0 instead, the
three elements are spaced 40.0 units apart for a
total arr ay length of 120.0 u nits.
Click arrows on either side of the transform
labels to choose between Incremental or Totals.
Incremental and Totals settings are toggles for each
transform. When you set a value on one side, the
other s ide is unavailable. However, the unavailable
value updates to show the e quivalent setting.
Increment al : Parameters set on this side apply to
individual objects in the array. Here are examples:
An Incremental Move X setting of 25 s pecifies
centers of arrayed objects.
An Incremental Rotate Z setting of 30 specifies
a progressive rotation of 30 degrees on the Z
axis for each object in the array. In the finished
array, each object is rotated 30 degrees farther
than the one before it.
Tot a l s : Parameters set on this side apply to the
overall distance, number or degrees, or percentage
scale in the array. Here are examples:
A Totals Move X setting of 25 specifies a total
centers of the first and last arrayed objects.
A Totals Rotate Z setting of 30 specifies a
combined rotation of 30 degrees on the Z axis
divided equally among every object in the array.
Typ e of O bject
Co pyCreates new array members as copies of
the originals.
Instance—Creates new array members as instances
of the originals.
Reference—Creates new array members as
references of the originals.
For further information, see Overv iew of Copies,
In stances, and References (page 1–472).
Array Dimensions
The Array Dimensions controls determine the
number of dimensions used in the array and the
spacing between the dimensions.
Count: The number of objects, rows, or layers in
each dimension.
1D: One-dimensional arrays form a single line
of objects in 3 D space, like a line of columns.
Spacing for these objects is defined in the Array
Transformation area.