524 Chapter 8: Modifiers
Increasing Root Thick affects the overall thickness of the hair
From left to right: Root Thick = 2.0, 10.0, 20.0, and 30.0
The final il lustration, below, shows how the
instanced hair aligns itself faithfully to the guides,
no matter how t hey’re styled. The styled hair was
brushed from the center, and the instances align
perfectly in al l directions, face up, without twisting
or other distortion. This makes it easy to style
Top left: The original styled hair
Top right: The instanced hair (arrows) conforms to the styling.
Bottom: Close-up view of instanced hair
Interfa ce
Recomb From Splines—Lets you use a spline object
to style the hair. Click th is button and then select
an object that is made up of spline curves. Hair
w ill tu rn the curves into guides and populate each
guide of the selected growth mesh w ith a replica of
the closest curve.
This tool is particularly useful for creating a
specific style and length, such as short hair with
groom the hair in the Style dialog. For optimal
control, position the splines fairly closely together
and use as many as possible.