Styling Rollout (Hair and Fur) 527
Styling with Hair Guides
Sty ling tools aren’t available until you click Style
Hair to turn it on, or choose the Guides sub-object
level in either the Selection rollout or the modifier
Each guide hair has 15 segments and 14 vertices
(there ’s an additional, non-selectable vertex at the
root); for a tool to affect a guide, at least one of its
vertices must be selected. To select vertices, click
use standard 3ds Max selection tools to select a
portion of the guides. For example, you might
drag a selection rectangle to select vertices on
adjacent hair guides. By default, selected guides
are displayed as orange, and unselected guides are
displayed as yellow.
Selections you make this way are constrained
by the buttons at the top of the Selection group:
Select Hair By Ends, Select Whole Guide (the
default), Select Guide Vertices, or Select Guide By
Root. As these names imply, the constraints affect
how the Hair Br ush m odifies hair g uides. The
best way to get a feel for the difference between
selection constraints is to practice using the
various selection constraints with tools such as
Translate. The Hair Brush uses a combination of
these constraints and I K to a lter guide geometry.
Left: Hair guide before styling
Center: Translating while Select Whole G uide is active
Right: Translating while Select Hair By Ends is active
Once you’ve made a selection, typicall you will
click Hair Brush (also in the Styling group, to
the lef t of Select), and then use the brush in
conjunction with one of the tools at the bottom
of the Styling group: Translate, Stand, Puff Roots,
Clump, Rotate, or Scale.
While you style, only selected guides are affected,
and in addition, only guides that fall within the
brush area are affected at any given time. You
can change the brush size using the slider in the
Styling group, or by holding down
Ctrl+S hi ft
and dragging the mouse.
them based on the brush location.
Interfa ce
Note: Controls on this rollout are available only
when the growth object is a mesh. If the g rowth
object is a spline, the Styling controls have no
effect. Instead, you can style the hair by editing the
underlying spline object.