534 Chapter 8: Modifiers
and Fur)
Select an object with the Hair And Fur modifier applied. >
Modify panel > General Parameters rollout
This rollout lets you set the hair count and density,
the length, thickness at the root and tip, and
various other comprehensive parameters.
Inter face
Hair Count—The total number of hairs generated
by Hair. In some cases this is an approximate
count, but the actual count is usually very close to
the specified quantity. Default=15000. Range=0
to 10000000 (ten million).
Top: Hair Count=1000
Bottom: Hair Count=9000
By default, Hair norm a lizes density to surface area;
that is, larger polygons receive more hairs than
smaller ones. If you edit the growth object in a way
that changes the polygon-size ratios, use Reset Rest
to adjust the hair distribution automatically.
Hair S egments—The number of segments p er hair.
Default=5. Range=1 to 150.
This is equivalent to spline segments; with more
segments, curly hair looks more natural, but the
generated mesh object is larger. For perfectly
straight hair, set Hair Segments to 1.
Left: Hair Segments=5
Right: Hair S egmen ts=60
Hair Passes—Sets the number of tr ansparency
passes. Default=1. Range=1 to 20.
Hair’s buffer render has a fairly novel way of
handling hair transparency. Instead of resolving
actua l hair transparency, the hair is rendered
multiple t imes (as opaque hair) with different
random seeds. These buffers are t hen blended
together. As you increase the Hair Passes va lue, the
transparency (or wispiness) of the hair increases.
In addition, increasing the value increases the