558 Chapter 8: Modifiers
The Affect Region modifier is ideal for si mple
animated effects, especially w hen you need to use
interactive parameters. However, for fine-tuned
modeling, you’ll probably prefer the expanded
capabilities of Soft Selection (page 1–963) in
Editable Mesh (page 1–996), Editable Poly (page
1–1022), Edit Mesh (page 1–634), Mesh Select (page
1–719), Volume Select (page 1–952),theHSDS
modifier (page 1–701),andNURBS (page 1–1089).
Affect Region modifier applied
Ex ample: To form a bubble over the surf ace of a
pla ne:
Create a plane with 15 width and length
2. Set the length and w idth of the plane to 50 units.
3. Apply the Affect Region modifier .
4. In the Parameters group, set Falloff to 50.
5. Adjust the p arameters to achieve different
Inter face
Note: The p ar ameters of this modifier are sim ilar
to those of the Soft Selection function (page 1–963)
of an Editable Mesh.
Modifier Stack
Pointsub-objectlevelAt this sub-object level, t he
base and tip of the g izmo arrow are points that can
be selected. You can select, translate, and animate
these two points together or individually.
For more information on the stack display, see
Modifier Stack (page 3–760).
Parameters rollout
Parameters group
Fa lloff—Sets the r adius of affected vertices, in
value range: float, 0.0 to 999,999.0)
Ignore Ba ck Fa cing—Affects only those vertices
direction as the gizmo arrow. When turned off, all
vertices in the Falloff group are affected.