Cloth and Garment Maker Modifiers 571
Clot h a nd G a r ment M aker
Laura by Georges Walser
Cloth provides you with advanced tools for
creating realistic fabrics and tailor-made clothing
for characters and creatures. The Cloth system
comprises two modifiers:
•TheCloth modifier (page 1–578) is responsible
for simulating the motion of cloth as it in teracts
with the environment, which may include
collision objects (a character or a table, for
example) and external forces, such as gravity
and wind.
•TheGar ment Maker modifier (page 1–607) is a
specialized tool for creating 3D garments f rom
2D splines, similarly to the way real clothes are
made, by stitching together flat pieces of cloth.
You can model clothing in two ways: by creating
the cloth objects with standard 3ds Max modeling
methods and applying the Cloth modifier to
them, or by designing virtual clothing patterns
w ith splines and stitching together these various
v irtual panels to for m a full garment using the
Garment Maker modifier. With Garment Maker,
you can even import spline p atterns from external
applications and use these as your pattern panels.
See also
Cloth Overview (page 1–571)
Cl ot h Overvie w
that lets you create realistic garments for your
characters and other creations. Cloth is designed
to work in concert with the modeling tools in
3ds Max and c an turn just about any 3D object
into clothing; it also allows you to build garments
from scratch.
Before you beg in working with Cloth, we
recommend that you read this overview.
It pro vides backgr ound information on
cloth-simulation technology, so you can begin to
grasp exactly the way Cloth works. It will give you
a better overall understanding of how to set up
array of advanced controls you will have at your
disposal .
As an artist and creator, you can use this
knowledge to tailor (no pun intended) how Cloth
will affect and interact with your scenes, and how
you can be st ta ke advantage of this s of tware.
Cloth-Si mula tion Technology
Cloth simulation is the process of replicating the
movement and deformation of a piece of fabric or
clothing to mimic how cloth would react in the real
world. To make cloth simulation work, first you
need a cloth object, such as a tablecloth or a pair of
pants. Next, you need something for the fabric to
interact with. This can be a collision object such
as a table top or character’s leg, or a force such as
wind or gravity.
While Cloth is designed to help you create
clothing for your models, you should be aware