586 Chapter 8: Modifiers
Cache group
Use these settings for network simulation. When
you render with Sim On Render on, Cloth can run
the simulation on a networked machine, leaving
your local machine free for other work. For a
procedure, see Torunaclothsimulationwitha
networked render farm: (page 1–581).
[tex t field]—Shows the current path and file name
for the cache file. You can edit this field, but the
path must exist; the file will be created if necessary.
For any cloth object for which you have not
specified a file name, Cloth creates one based on
the object name.
Force U NC Path If the text field path is to a mapped
drive, converts the p ath to UNC format (page
any computer on the network. To convert cache
paths for al l cloth objects in the cur rent simulation
to UNC format, click the All button.
Over write Ex isting—When on, Cloth can overwrite
existing cache files. To enable overwriting for all
cloth objects in the current simulation, click the
All button.
SetLets you specify the path and filename of
the cache file for the selected object. Click Set,
navigate to the directory, enter the file name, and
then click Save.
Loa d—Loads the specified file into the selected
object’s cache.
Impor t—Opens a file dialog to load a cache file
other than the specified one.
Load All—Loads the specified cache file for every
cloth object in the simulation.
SaveSaves the current cache, if any, using the
specified file name and path. If no file is specified,
Cloth creates one based on the object name.
Expor t—Opens a file dialog to save the cache to a
file other than the spec ified one. You can save in
the default CFX format or in PointCache2 format.
Ex tra Cache—To create a second cache in
PointCache2 format, turn on Extr a Cache and
click Set to specify a path and file name. This file is