Cloth Modifier 597
The Soft Selection controls apply on a per-group
basis to permit soft selection of vertices
neighboring the explicitly selected group
members. This works the same as soft selection of
vertices in other parts of 3ds Max. For details, see
Soft Selection Rollout (page 1–963).Alternatively,
you c an select vertices for a group based on a
texture map.
Use Textur e M ap—When on, Cloth uses a texture
map to specify a soft selection of vertices that
belong to the current group. Click the button (by
default, labeled None”) to choose a texture map.
Use the Mapping Channel controls to choose a
map channel or vertex color channel.
You can add a g r ayscale texture map in this slot to
blend between unselected and fully selected pixels
in the group . Black represents unselected and
white represents fully selected. Any grayscale value
blends between the two. You can drag a texture
map onto this button.
Note: For a texture map to apply to a group, at least
onevertexmustbeexplicitlyselected. However,
vertex selection has no effect.
Panel rollout
At the Panel sub-object level, you can select one
panel (cloth section) at a time and change its cloth
properties. A panel, which must be created by the
Garment Maker modifier (page 1–607),isaclosed
spline that is not enclosed by another spline. If
a closed spline is enclosed by another spline, it
forms a hole in the outer spline.
Note: To be able to select a panel at this sub-object
level, you must first use Object Properties (page
1–602) to specify that the object is cloth. Also, to
be able to change settings on this rollout, first turn
on Object Proper ties > Use Panel Properties.