600 Chapter 8: Modifiers
instabilities. A good value is 0.01 (note: the default
is 0.1, but in practice, it seems that this value is
too high).
Air Res.— Resistance to Air. This value will
determine how much the air will effect the cloth. A
higher amount of air resistance would be useful for
a tightly woven fabric, while a lower amoun t would
be suitable for a loose-knit garment.
Dyn. Fric.— Dynamic f riction between the cloth
and solid objects. A larger value will add more
fric tion and cause the fabric to slide less across
an object. A lower v alue will allow the fabric to
slip off an object ver y easily, similarly to how silk
would react.
Static Fric.— Static friction between the cloth and
solid objects. When the cloth is in stationary
position, this value w il l cont rol its ability stay
where it is, or slip away.
Self Fric.— Friction between the cloth and itself.
This is similar to dynamic and static friction, but
applies to cloth-to-cloth or self-collisions. A larger
value will cause more friction between the cloth
and itself.
UScaleControls how much to shrink or expand
the cloth along the U direction (as defined by
Garment Maker. For non-Garment Maker meshes,
this applies a un ifor m scaling to the cloth along
both axes, and the V Sca le parameter is ignored).
simulation time, while a value of more than 1 w ill
stretch it.
VScaleC ontrols how much to shrink or expand
the cloth along the V direction (as defined by
Garment Maker). A value of less than 1 will shr in k
than 1 will stretch it.
Seam Force—Notpresentlyusedandonlykeptfor
backward compatibility with older versions of the
former product called Stitch. This was a global
seam strength, but seam st rength is now defined
on a seam- by-sea m basis at the Seams sub-object
Plasticity—The tendency of the cloth to keep its
current deformation (that is, the bend angles).
This is different from Keep Shape,which
determines the extent to w hich the cloth tends to
keep its original deformation (or the one defined
by the Target State). If you set Plasticity to 100.0,
the cloth will not attempt to change the angles
between triangles. If you want st iffer cloth, but you
Plasticity value.
Depth—Collision depth. If a portion of clot h
reaches this depth inside a collision object, then
the simulation will no longer try to push the cloth
out of the mesh. This value is measured in 3ds Max
Offset—The amount of distance kept between the
cloth and the collision object. A very low value
can c ause the collision mesh to protr ude out f rom
under the cloth. A ver y high value will cause
collision object.
Use Clo th D epth /Of fs et—Us e s the Depth and Offset
values set for the panel (see preceding). When on,
the cloth object ignores the collision object D epth
and O ffset values.
Cling Theextenttowhichtheclothobjectadheres
to a collision object. Range=0.0 to 99999.0.
You can use t his parameter to simulate effects such
as wet cloth. A setting of 1.0 should be just enough
to hold the default material onto a surface against
its own weight.
Based on—Lists the preset that the pa nel proper ties
are based on. When you modify parameters and
save a preset, Cloth uses the name of the last preset
you loaded as the “Based on name.