606 Chapter 8: Modifiers
by Garment Maker (page 1–607) and do not apply
to non-Garment Maker meshes, for which sett ing
different U /V values might result in unexpected
UseEdgeSpringsEnables an alternative method
for c alculating stretch. When on, st retch force
is based on springs along triangle edges. When
off, the st retch and shear forces are calculated in
a more sophisticated manner to more accurately
reflect the underlying ph ysics.
Use S olid Friction—Uses the friction of the collision
object to determine friction. Values for collision
can be assigned either to the cloth or the collision
objects. This enables you to set different friction
values for each collision object.
Keep Shape—These sett ings preserves the shape
of the mesh based on the values of Bend % and
Stretch % (see following). In normal operation,
when Cloth creates a simulation, it tries to "flatten
out" the cloth. To enable these settings, turn on
U se Target State.
Bend %Mod ulates the target bend angles to a
value between 0.0 and the angles defined by the
target state.Anegativevalueinvertstheangles.
Range=-100.0 to 100.0. Default=100.0.
Stretch % M odulates the target stretch angles to
target state.Anegativevalueinvertstheangles.
Range=-100.0 to 100.0. Default=100.0.
Layer—Indicates the correct "order" of cloth
pieces that mig ht come in contac t with each other.
Range=-100 to 100. Default=1.
If your garments and/or panels are all correctly
orientated to begin with, then cloth-to-cloth
collision detection should keep items from
interpenetrating. However, the initial state of a
garment/panel might have some interpenetration
that cannot be resolved. For example, suppose you
make a jacket with Garment Maker where the front
left panel. When you sew together the garment
(generally with self-collision off), the front panels
will interpenetrate, so to make sure that the right
panel sits outside the left panel, you might have
to use constraints or Live Dr ag. Using the L ayers
option on the panels can help here.
Here is the logic of layers: When two pieces of
cloth (A and B) are in collision-detection range,
their layers (layerA and layerB) are compared and
the following rules are applied:
If either layerA or L ayerB is 0, then Cloth uses
the regular cloth-to-cloth collision method.
If layerA=layerB, then Cloth uses the regular
cloth-to-cloth collision method.
If abs(layerA) > abs(layerB) then piece A is
Which side? If layerB > 0, then to the side
indicated by the face normals. If layerB<0 then
to the opposite side.
The sign of the Layer va lue indicates what the
"outside" of that piece of cloth is. A positive sign
means "The side that the normals face is the
Collision Propertie s group
Collision Object—Sets the object or objects
highlighted in the left-hand column to be collision
objects. Cloth objects bounce off or wrap around
collision objects.
Depth—Collision depth for the collision object.
If a portion of cloth reaches this depth inside a
collision object, then the simulation will no longer