Garment Maker Modifier 613
Panel Position=Front Center; Level=Top at shoulder
10. Adjust as necessary. For example, in the above
illustration, Level should probably be set to Top
At Neck. To correct this, you would choose Top
At Neck, and then click Panel Position > Front
Center again.
Panel Position=Front Center; Level=Top at neck
Of course, you can also move the panel
manually; in fact, in most cases it will probably
be necessary to do so. Panel Position serves
primarily as a starting point for placing panels.
11. Continue selecting panels and placing them,
adjusting as necessary.
All pan els placed with Panel Position . Note that sleeve
panels need to be rotated 90 d egrees, and cuff pa nels need
to be rotated and moved to the wrists.
Interfa ce
The Garment Maker interface varies depending
on the c urrent modifier stack level: object (Main
Parameters) (page 1–613) or one of the four
sub-object levels:
Curves (page 1–616)
Panels (page 1–618)
Seams (page 1–620)
Main Parameters rollout
The Main Parameters rollout is the first rollout
Garment Maker modifier. This rollout comprises
mostly controls to create and adjust the mesh.
The remaining rollouts are available at the
sub-object levels.