Edit Poly Modifier 645
Mode rollout, you can see the final object as a
white mesh, the original sub-object selection as a
yellow mesh, and the original E dit Poly object as
an orange mesh.
Edit Poly Mode rollout
modes of operation: Model, for modeling, and
Animate, for animation of modeling effects. For
example, you can animate the Taper and Twist
settings for polygons extruded along a spline.
During and between sessions, the software
remembers the current mode for each object
separately. The same mode remains active at all
sub-object levels.
Edit Poly Mode also gives you access to the
current operation’s Sett ings dialog, if any, and
lets you commit to or cancel out of modeling and
animation changes.
Model—Lets you model using the Edit Poly
functions. Operations in Model mode cannot be
AnimateLets you animate using the Edit Poly
In addit ion to choosing Animate, you must turn
on Auto Key (page 3–717) or use Set Key (page
3–718) for animating sub-object tr ansforms and
parameter changes. Alternatively, in Animate
mode you can apply a single command, such as
Extrude or Chamfer, to an animated sub-object
selection passed up the stack.
Tip: If you use Set Key to animate with Edit Poly , be
sure to turn on Key Filters > Modifiers.
Note: The Edit Poly modifier can store any number
of keyframes animating a single operation, such as
transforming polygons, on the same sub-object
selection. Use additional Edit Poly modifiers to:
animate other p arts of the object;
animate repeated applications of the same
animate repeated applications of a different
For example, say you want to animate a polygon
extruding from an object from frame 1 to 10, and
then moving back to the original position over
the next 10 frames. You can accomplish this with
a single Edit Poly modifier using the Extrude
function, setting one keyfr ame at 10 and another
at 20. However, say you want to animate a polygon
extruding outward, and then animate movement
of one of the resultant side polygons. In that case,
you’d need two Edit Poly modifiers: one for the
extrusion, and another for t he poly transform.
Tip: While modeling in Animate mode, you can
use Commit to freeze the animation at the c u rrent
[la bel]—Shows the current command, if any.
Otherwise, it shows <No Current Operation>.
When you’re working in Model mode using direct
manipulation (that is, working in the view ports),
the label shows the cu rrent operation during drag
operations, and then returns to the unavailable
When you’re working in Model mo de using a
Settings dialog, or in Animate mo de using direct
manipulation or a Settings dialog , the label
continually shows the current operation.