648 Chapter 8: Modifiers
and only edges of faces that did not have all
vertices selected; that is, of faces around the
border of the vertex selection.
Vertex selection (left) converted to edge border (center)
and face bo rder (right)
When you conver t edges to faces, the
resulting selection of faces had some but
not all of their edges selected, and were
next to faces w ith no edges selected. When
you convert edges to vertices, the resulting
vertices are on previously selected edges,
were selected.
Edge selection (left) converted to face border (center)
and vertex border (right)
Conversion commands are also available from the
quad menu.
Interfa ce
Vertex—Accesses the Vertex sub-object level,
which lets you select a vertex beneath the cursor;
region selection s elects vert ices within the region.
Edge—Accesses the Edge sub-object level,
which lets you select a polygon edge beneath the
cursor; region selection selects multiple edges
within the region.
Border—Accesses the Border sub-object level,
which lets you select a sequence of edges that
borders a hole in the mesh. A border is always
composed of edges with faces on only one side of
them, and is always a complete loop. For example,
a box doesn’t normally have a b order, but the
Te apot object has several of them: on the lid, on the
body, on the spout, and two on the handle. If you
create a cylinder and then delete one end, the row
of edges around that end forms a circular border.
When Border sub-object level is active, you can’t
selectedgesthatarentonborders. Clickinga
single edge on a border selects the whole border.
applying the Cap Holes modifier (page 1–569).You
can als o connect borders b etween objects with the
Connect compound object (page 1–328).