Edit Poly (Polygon/Element) 667
Soft Sele ction rollout
Soft Selection controls apply a smooth falloff
between selected sub-objects and unselected
ones. When Use Soft Selection is on, unselec ted
selectionvalues. Thesevaluesareshowninthe
viewports by means of a color gradient on the
vertices, and optionally on the faces. They affect
most types of sub-object deformations, such as the
Move, Rotate, and Scale functions, as well as any
deformation modifiers (such as Bend) applied to
the object. This prov ides a magnet-like effect with
a sphere of influence around the selection.
For more information, see Soft Selection Rollout
(page 1–963).
Edit Polygons/Elements rollo ut
At the Element sub-object level, this rollout
includes commands common to both polygons
and elements, plus, at the Polygon level, some
thatareuniquetopolygons. Thecommands
available at both levels are Insert Vertex, Flip, Edit
Triangulation, Retriangulate, and Turn.
Note: To delete polygons or elements, select them
and press the
Delete key. If Delete Isolated
Ve r t i ces isoff,thiscanresultinisolatedvertices;
that is, vertices with no associated face geometry.
Insert Vertex—Lets you subdivide polygons
manually. Applies to polygons, even if at the
element sub-object level.
After turning on Insert Vertex, click a polygon to
add a vertex at that location. You can continue
To stop inserting vertices, right-click in the
viewport, or click Insert Vertex again to turn it off.
Note: In previous versions of the software, this
command was called Divide.
Ex trude—Lets you perform manual extrusion via
direct manipula tion in the viewport. Click this
button, and then drag vertically on any polygon
to extrude it.
and creates new polygons that form the sides of the
extrusion, connect ing the selection to the object.
Important aspects of polygon extrusion are:
The mouse cursor changes to an E xtrude cursor
when over a selected polygon.
Drag vertically to specif y the extent of the
extrusion, and horizontally to set the size of the
With multiple polygons selected, dragging on
any one extrudes all selected polygons equally.
You can drag other polygons in turn to extrude
them while the Extrude button is active. Click
Extrude again or right-click in the active
viewport to end the operation.