Lathe Modifier 707
Inter face
Detail group
Add/R emove—Determines whether clicking the
OK button increases or decreases detail.
Parameters group
These settings determine the extent to w hich
detail is added or removed. The Length and Angle
settings are available for editing only when the
Custom option is chosen. However, they show the
default settings for the Low, Medium, and High
Low/M edi um/Hig h/Cu s tom—Choose one of the
presets, or choose Custom to set your ow n L eng th
and Ang le values.
Max. LODSpecifies the hi ghest number of levels
of detail that the software can add when increasing
detail. N ot available when removing detail.
Lengt h—The maximum permissible length of a ny
edge after adding or removing detail. The smaller
that is allowed.
two opposite edges emanating from a vertex.
tessellation that is allowed.
OK Performs the subdivision or removal of detail
and closes the dialog.
Cance lCloses the d ialog without changing the
Lathe Modifier
Select a shape. > Modify panel > M odifier List > Lathe
Select a shape. > Modifiers menu > Patch/Spline Editing
Lathe creates a 3D object by rotating a shape or
NURBS c urve about an axis.
Object res u lti n g from 360-degree lathe
Interfa ce
Modifier Stack
Axis—At this sub-object level, you can transform
and animate the axis of revolution.
For more information on the stack display, see
Modifier Stack (page 3–760).