Melt Modifier 717
Inter face
Material ID By Element group
The two choices in this group let you either create a
truly random distribution of material IDs or divide
the assignments among up to eight materials
according to percentages you set.
R andom Distr ibuti on—Assignsthematerialsat
random to different elements i n the object.
ID CountDetermines the minimum number
of material IDs to assign. Because m aterial ID
assignment is random, setting it to the number
of materials in the multi/sub-object material or
higher doesn’t guarantee that all materials get used.
List Frequency—Determines an approximate
relative weight (percentage) for each of up to eight
material IDs, as set by t he Mat’l ID #1-8 spinners.
The modifier assigns material IDs until t he weights
total 100.
For example, if you set Mat’l ID #1 to 40, #2 to
35, and #3 to 60, approximately 40 percent of the
elements w i ll be assigned material ID 1, 30 percent
wi ll be assig ned material ID 2, and 25 percent (100
[40 + 35]) will be assigned material ID 3. Any
remaining percentages (as set in Mat’l IDs 4-8) are
Note: These percentages are approximate. The
more elements the o bject contains, the closer the
assigned percentage comes to the set p ercent age.
Uniqueness group
Seed—Sets the seed value for the
(pseudo-)randomization of material ID
assignments. Not animatable.
Melt Modifier
Modify panel > Mak e a selection. > M o difier List > M elt
Make a selection. > Modifiers menu > Animation
Modifiers > Melt
Increasing the Melt amount progressively melts the cake
The Melt modifier lets you apply a realistic
melting effect to a ll types of objects, including
editable patches and NURBS objects, as well as to
sub-object selections passed up t he stack. Options