718 Chapter 8: Modifiers
include sagging of edges, spreading whi le melting ,
and a customizable set of substances r ang ing from
a firm plastic surface to a jel ly type that collapses
in on itself.
Example: To animate a j elly-lik e melting sphere:
with a radius of about 50 units.
2. Apply the Melt modifier .
3. TurnontheAutoKeybuttonandgotoframe
4. IntheMeltgroupbox,setAmountto70.
5. IntheSoliditygroupbox,chooseJelly.
6. Turn off the Auto Key button.
7. Drag the time slider to see the sphere melt.
Inter face
Modifier Stack
Gizmo—At this sub-object level, you can transform
and animate the gizmo like any other object,
altering the effect of the Melt modifier. Translating
the gizmo translates its center an equal distance.
Rotating and scaling the gizmo takes place with
respect to its center.
CenterAt this sub-object level, you can translate
and animate the center, altering the Melt gizmos
shape, and thus the shape of the melted object.
For more information on the stack display, see
Modifier Stack (page 3–760).
Parameters rollout
Melt group
Amount—Specifies the extent of the "decay," or
melting effect applied to the gizmo, thus affecting
the object. Range=0.0 to 1000.0.
Spread group
%ofMeltSpecifies how much the ob ject and melt
w i ll spread as the Amount value increases. It’s
basically a "bulge" along a flat plane.
Solidity group
the melted object. Less-solid substances like jelly
tend to settle more in the center as they melt. This
group provides several presets for different t ypes
of substances, as well as a Custom spinner for
setting your own solidity.