720 Chapter 8: Modifiers
Select vertices, edges, faces, p olygons or
4. Add another modifier to affect only the
selection from s tep 3.
Inter face
Modifier Stack controls
Show End R esult—Normally , if you apply a
modifier such as Tw ist to an editable-mesh object
you cannot see the effect of the modifier on the
Result, you can see the final object as a white mesh,
and the or iginal editable mesh as an orange mesh.
Note: WithmodifierssuchasMeshSmooth,which
apply by default to an entire object, no special
treatment is necessary. However, if you intend to
use this f unctionality with other modifiers that
work on a sub-object selection passed up the stack,
such as Bend, and you want to apply the modifier
totheentireobject,youshouldplaceaVolu m e
Select modifier (page 1–952) between the editable
mesh object and the modifier in the stack. You
should leave the Volume Select modifier’s level at
the top (the default: no sub-object level chosen).
Mesh Selec t Parameters rollout
Provides buttons for turning different sub-object
modes on and off, working with named selections
and handles, display sett ings, and information
about selected entities.
specify the method of sub-object selection.
Clicking a button here is the same as selecting a
sub-object level in the modifier stack. Click t he
button again to turn it off and return to the object
selection level.
Vertex—Selects a vertex beneath the cursor;
region selection s elects vert ices within the region.
Edge—Selects a face or polygon edge beneath
the cursor ; region select ion selects multiple edges
within the region.