724 Chapter 8: Modifiers
Clas s ic—Produces three- and four-sided facets.
version 2.x without turning on Quad Output.)
Quad Output—Produces only four-sided facets
(assuming you don’t lo ok at the hidden edges,
since the object is sti l l made up of triang u lar
faces). If you apply this with default parameters
to a whole object, like a box, it’s topologically
exactly the sa me as Tessellate (page 1–865),
edge-style. However, rather than using tension
to project face and edge vertices out of the
mesh, u se the MeshSmooth Strength to relax
the original vertices and the new edge vert ices
into the mesh.
Apply To Whole M eshWhen turned on, any
sub-object select ion passed up the stack is ig nored
and MeshSmooth is applied to the entire object.
Note that t he sub-object selection is still passed up
the stack to any subsequent m odifiers.
Old S tyl e Ma pping—Uses the 3ds Max version 3
algorithm to apply MeshSmooth to the mapping
coordinates. This technique tends to distort the
underlying mapping coordinates as it creates new
faces and as texture coordinates shift.
Effect of MeshSmooth with two iterations on a cube and
different iteration method:
B. Quad
C. Classic
D. Original objec t with no MeshSmooth
Subdivision Am o unt rollout
IterationsSets the number of t imes the mesh is
subdivided. When you increase this value, each
new iteration subdivides the mesh by creating
smoothly interpolated vertices for every vertex,
edge, and face from the iteration before. The
modifier then sub divides the faces to use these
new vert ices. Default=0. Range=0 to 10.
The default v alue of 0 iterations allows you to
modif y any setting or parameter, such as the ty pe
of MeshSmooth or the update options, before the
program starts subdividing the mesh.