754 Chapter 8: Modifiers
Co py
Places a named selection into the copy
Pas te—Pastes a named selection from the copy
Select Open Edges—Selects all edges with only one
face. In most objects, this will show you w here
missing patches exist. Available only at the Edge
sub-object level.
Selection Info
At the bottom of the Patch Select Parameters
rollout is a text display giving you information
about the current selection. If 0 or more than one
sub-object is selected, the text gives the number
and type selected. If one sub-object is selected, the
text gives the ID number and type of the selected
Note: When the current sub-object type is Patch or
Soft Sele ction rollout
See Soft Selection Rollout (page 1–963) for
PatchDefor m Modi fi er
Select an object. > Modify panel > Modifiers List >
Object-Space M od ifiers > PatchDeform
Select an object. > Modifiers menu > Animation M odifiers
The PatchDeform modifier deforms an object
based on the contours of a patch object. This
modifier works similarly to the PathDeform
modifier (page 1–755),butusesaquad-based patch
object instead of a spline shape or NURBS curve
To use the PatchDeform modifier, apply it to the
object you want to deform, click the Pick Patch
button, and then select a p atch object. Deform
the object by manipulating the pa tch object or
adjusting the various controls in the Patch Deform
Not all objects can be used with PatchDeform.
Objects that are valid PatchDeform targets include:
Plane, Cylinder, Cone and Torus.
This modi fier is a lso similar to the SurfDeform
modifier (page 1–848),exceptthatitusesapatch
surface instead of a N URBS Point or CV surface.
There’s also a world-space version of the
PatchDeform modifier. See PatchDeform (WSM)
(page 1–552). Generally, the PatchDeform
object-space modifier leaves the object in place
while moving the patch to the object, while the
Pa tchDeform world-space modifier leaves the
patch in place while moving the object to the
patch. Also, the WSM version has a Move to Patch
button, while the object-space version does not.
To use the PatchDeform modif ier:
Select an object.
2. Apply PatchDeform.
3. On the Parameters rollout, click Pick Patch.
4. Select a patch object.
Deform the object by adjusting the controls in
the Patch Deform panel and by manipulating
the p atch object.
Interfa ce
Modifier Stack
Gizmo—At this sub-object level, you can
transform and animate the gizmo like any other
object, altering the effect of the modifier. The
PatchDeform gizmo is a representation of the
deforming patch object, so transforming it
determines which part of the patch affects the
modified object.