756 Chapter 8: Modifiers
rotate and twist it about the path. There’s also a
world-space modifier version. See PathDeform
(WSM) (page 1–552) .
PathDeform creates a wiggle for the snake.
Using a Pa th to Defor m an Obj ect
Generally, you use the PathDeform modifier
when you want to keep an object in place while
deforming to a path. Use the PathDeform
world-space mo difier when you want to move an
object to a path while keeping the p ath in the same
world space.
The PathDeform (WSM) modifier replaces the
space-warp version that shipped with previous
versions of 3ds Max, and is incompatible with
previous versions. See PathDeform (WSM) (page
1–552) for details on how to fix incompatibilities
from the previous version.
To use the PathDeform modifier, you apply it, then
click the Pick Path button and select a shape or
curve consisting of a single open or closed spline.
Once the object is assig ned to the path, you can
adjust the p arameters to deform or animate the
object along a gizmo copy of the path.
Pr ocedur es
To use the PathDeform modifier:
Select an object.
2. Apply PathDeform.
3. On the Parameters rollout, click Pick Path.
4. Select a spline or NURBS curve.
Deform the object by adjusting the various
controls in the Path Deform panel and by
editing the path object.
Ex ample: To us e the Pa thDef orm modi fi er to cur ve
tex t:
1. IntheTopviewport,createacirclewitharadius
of 100 units.
2. In the Front viewport, create a text shape with
six or seven letters, and a size of 25. (You can
use the default "MAX Text".)
3. Apply an Extr ude modifier (page 1–680) to the
4. On the main toolbar, set the Reference
Coordinate System to Local.
Looking at the axis tripod for the extruded text
object, you can see that its Z axis runs from
back to front, relative to world space.
5. Apply a PathDeform object-space modifier to
the text object, click the Pick Path button, and
then select the circle.
A circular gizmo is displayed. The circle
runs through the local Z axis of the text
object. Because of its orientation, its effect is
minimal, but you c an see a slight wedge-shaped
deformation from the top view.
6. InthePathDeformAxisgroup,choosetheY
option, and then the X option.