766 Chapter 8: Modifiers
Selection Info
A t the bottom of the Parameters rollout for Mesh
Select is a text display giving you information
about the current selection. If 0 or more than one
sub-object is selected, the text gives the number
and type selected. If one sub-object is selected, the
text gives the ID number and type of the selected
Note: When the current sub-object t ype is Element,
the current sub-object type is Border, selection
information is given in edges.
Soft Sele ction rollout
Soft Selection controls affect the action of
sub-object Mo ve, Rotate, and Scale functions.
When these are on, 3ds Max applies a spline curve
deformation to unselected vertices surrounding
the t ransformed selected sub-object. T his provides
a m agnet-like effect with a sphere of influence
around the transformation.
For more information, see Soft Selection Rollout
(page 1–963).
Pr es er v e Mod if i er
Modify panel > Make a selection. > Modifier List >
Object-Space Modifiers > Preserve
Make a selection. > Modifiers men u > Parametric
Deformers > Preserve
The Preserve modifier lets you retain, as much as
of an edited and deformed mesh object using
an unmodified copy of the object before it was
deformed. When you push and pull vert ices at the
sub-object level, the process typically stretches the
edges and often alters the face ang les, resulting
in ir regular topology. You can use the Preserve
modifier to generate more regular edge lengths,
and a "cleaner" mesh.
Using t he Preserv e modif ier :
Create an object. Before you edit it, create a
2. E d it the copy at the sub-object level, pushing
and pulling vertices, faces, and s o on.
3. Apply the Preserve modifier to the copy, click
the Pick Ori ginal button, and then select t he
original, unmodified object.
4. Adjust controls in the Preserve modifier to
fine-tune the mesh.
Ex ample: Use t he Pr eserve modif ier on a geosphere:
Create a GeoSphere (page 1–176) and use
Shi f t +Movetomakeacopyofit.
Tip: If you want to see the effect of Preserve on
mapping, apply a checker-mapped material to
making the copy.
2. Convert the copy to an editable mesh (page
3. At the Vertex sub-object level, select a third of
the vertices at the top of the sphere, and move
them upward (as seen from the front) about
one radius in distance.
Notice the stretched edges between the moved
vertices and the remaining vertices.
4. While still at the Vertex sub-object level, apply
5. Click the Pick Or iginal button, and then select
the original (unedited) sphere.
The selected vertices move back toward the
sphere in an attempt to maintain the or iginal
volume and edge lengths.
6. Tu r n o n Inver t S ele ction.
The selected vertices return to their moved
position, and the unselected vertices (the