Push Modifier 779
Inter face
The Projection Holder modifier has no parameters.
Push M odifier
Modify panel > Make a selection. > Modifier List >
Object-Space Modifiers > Push
Make a selection. > Modifiers men u > Parametric
Deformers > Push
The Push modifier lets you "push" object vertices
outward or inward along the average vertex
normals. This produces an "inflation" effect that
you can’t otherwise obtain.
Positive and negative amounts of push applied to a n object.
Inter face
Push Va lue—Sets the distance in world units by
object center. Use a positive value to move vertices
outward, or a negative value to move vertices
Relax Modifier
Modify panel > Make a selection. > Modifier List >
Object-Space Modifiers > Relax
Make a selection. > Modifiers menu > Parametric
Deformers > Relax
The Relax modifier changes the apparent surface
away from, their neighbors. The typical result is
that the object gets smoother and a little smaller
point. You can see the most pronounced effects on
Relax moves the bowl away from its original contours.
When you apply Relax, each vertex is moved
toward the av erage position of its neighboring
ver tices. A neighboring vertex is one that shares a
visible edge with the current vertex.