62 Chapter 3: Selecting Objects
Identifying the S election I nter face
In the user interface, selection commands or
functions appear in the following areas:
Quad menu (whi le objects are selected)
of selection. The Selection Floater, available from
provides more general selection commands, plus
methods of selecting objects by property. Track
View and Schematic View let you select objects
from a hiera rchical list.
Selecting From t he Quad Menu
The quickest way to select an object is from the
Transform quadrant of the quad menu, where you
can easily switch among the Move, Rotate, Scale,
and Select modes. Cho ose any of these and click
on the object you want to select in the viewport.
Selecting by Na me
Another quick way to select an object is to
use keybo ard shortcuts for the Select by Name
command. Press
H on the keyboard t hen select
foolproof way to ensure you select the correct
object when you have many overlapping objects
in the scene.
Selection B uttons
Another way to select an object is to click one of
Select Object
Selection Objects
Select And Move
Select And Rotate
Select And Scale
Select And Manipulate
The m ain toolbar has several selection-mode
buttons. When any of t he selection buttons is
active, t he program is in a state where you can
select objects by clicking them.
Of the selection buttons, you use Select Object
or Selection Floater when you want selection
only. The remaining buttons let you both select
and transform or manipulate your selection.
Use transforms to move, rotate, and scale your
selection. See Moving, Rotating, and Scaling
Objects (page 1–423) and Select and Manipulate
(page 2–15).
Crossing Versus Window S election
The Selection toggle, available from the
toolbar, switches between Window and Crossing
modes when you select by region. In Window
mode, you select only the objects within the
selection. In Crossing mode, you select all objects
w ithin the region, plus any objects crossing the
boundaries of the region.
Edit Menu Commands
The Edit menu contains selection commands that
operate globally on your objects.