Skin Modifier 791
Inter face
Modifier Stack
Gizmo—At this sub-object level, you can transform
and animate the gizmo like any other object,
altering the effect of the Skew modifier. Translating
the gizmo translates its center an equal distance.
Rotating and scaling the g izmo take place with
respect to its center.
CenterAt this sub-object level, you can translate
and animate the center of the Skew effect.
For more information on the stack display, see
Modifier Stack (page 3–760).
Parameters rollout
Skew group
Amount—Sets the angle to skew f rom the vertical
Direction—Sets the direction of the skew relative
to the horizontal plane.
Skew Axis group
X/Y /Z—Specify the axis that will be skewed. Note
that this axis is local to the Skew gizmo and not
related to the selected entity. Default=Z.
Limits group
Limit Effect—Applies limit constraints to the Skew
Upper Limit—Sets the upper limit boundaries in
world units from the skew center point, beyond
which the skew no longer affects the geometry.
Lower Limit—Sets the lower lim it boundaries in
world units from the skew center point, beyond
which the skew no longer affects the geometry.
Sk in Modifier
Select a mesh, patch, or NURBS object. > Modify panel >
Modifier List > Object-Space Modifiers > Skin
Select a mesh, patch, or NURBS object. > Modifiers menu
The Skin modifier is a skeletal deformation tool
that lets you deform one object with another
object. Mesh, patch, or NURBS objects can be
deformed by bones, splines, and other objects.
Applying the Skin modifier and then assigning
bones gives each bone a capsule-shaped
"envelope." Vertices of the mo dified objec t within
these envelopes move with the bones. Where
envelopes overlap, vertex motion is a blend
between the envelopes.