Skin Modifier 797
Select an envelope cross section, and
sect ion, the Cross Sections option in the Select
group must be checked.
You can also click and drag a cross section cont rol
point in a viewport to resize it.
SquashA squash multiplier for bones that stretch.
This is a single value that reduces or increases the
amount of squash applied to a bone when it is
Note: You can set Freeze Length and Squash in the
Bone Tools dialog (page 1–414).
Absolute/R elative—This toggle determines how
vertex weights are calculated for vertices between
inner and outer envelopes.
AbsoluteA vertex must merely fall
inside the brown oute r envelope to have 100%
assignment weight to that particular bone.
A vertex falling inside more than one outer
envelope will be assigned multiple weights
summing to 100% based on where it falls in the
gradients of each envelope.
Relative—A vertex falling only within an
outer envelope w i l l not receive 100% weighting.
A vertex must either fall inside two or more
outer envelopes w hose g r adients sum to 100%
or greater or the vertex must fa ll within a red
inner envelope to have 100% weight. Any
points within a red inner envelope will b e 100%
locked to that bone. Vertices fa l ling within
multiple inner envelopes will receive weighting
distributed over those b ones.
Envelope V isibility—Determines the
visibility of unselected envelopes. Choose a bone
in the list and click Envelope Visibility, then
choose another bone in the list. The first bone
selected remains visible. Use this to work on two
or three en velopes.
Fa lloff Flyouts—Choose a falloff curve for the
displayed envelopes.
Weight falls off in the area between the inner and
outer envelope boundaries if envelopes overlap
specify how the falloff is handled:
Falloff Fast Out—Weight falls off quickly.
Fa lloff Slow Out—Weight falls off slowly.
Fa lloff Linear—Weight falls off in a linear
Falloff Sinual—Weight falls off in a
sinusoidal way.
Co pyCopies the currently selected envelope
size and shape to memory. Turn on sub-object
Envelopes, choose one bone in the list, click Copy,
then choose another bone in the list and click Paste
to copy an en v elope from one bone to another.
Paste commands are on a flyout with the following
Pas te—Pastes the copy buffer to the
current selected bone.
Pas te to A l l B one s—Pastes the copy buffer
to all bone s in the modifier.
PastetoMultipleBonesPastes the copy
buffer to selected b ones. A dialog allows you to
choose the bones to paste to.