Skin Morph Modifier 815
soft-selection characteristics globally; it works
much like other such graphs in 3ds Max, such as
Curve Editor (page 2–507).Thetoolbarabovethe
graph offers functions for moving and scaling
points on the graph, as well as inserting new ones.
The same functions are available by right-clicking
the graph: If you right-click a graph p oint, you
can set it to Corner or one of two different Bezier
types. If you select a B ezier point, you can reshape
the curve by moving its handl es.
Ring—Expands a vertex selection by first
converting the selection to an edge selection,
selecting all edges parallel to the selected edges,
and then converting the new e d ge selection back
to a vertex selection. Use of Ring requires that a
qualifying vertex select ion exist; that is, at least
two vertices on the same edge.
Loop—Expands a vertex selection by first
converting the selection to an edge selection,
selecting all aligned edges, and then converting the
new edge selection back to a vertex selection. Use
of Loop requires that a qualifying vertex selection
exist; that is, at least two vertices on the same edge.
deselecting the outermost ver tices. If the select ion
size can no longer be reduced, the remaining
ver tices are deselected.
Grow—Expands the vertex selection area outward
in all available directions.
Local Proper ties rollout
This rollout contains functions for creating and
editing individual morphs. The settings, such as
Morph Name and Influence Angle, are specific to
each morph.
Cr e a te M o rp h Sets a morph at the current f rame
for the highlighted bone. Also sets the “pose for
this morph, using the bone’s cur rent orientat ion,
and sets the bone to 100%, as show n in the list
window hierarchical view. When you edit the
morph, the sk i nned object returns to and stays at
this orientation.
When you create a morph, the modifier displays,
in orange, all vertices that are part of the current
pose (that is, t hey’re offset from the initial pose).
Also, the modifier creates a default name for the