Skin Morph Modifier 817
Fa lloff—
angle. U se the drop-down list to choose one of
four different falloff types: Linear, Sinual, Fast, or
Slow. If you choose Custom Falloff, you can then
click the G (for Graph) button and edit the falloff
using standard curve-graph controls.
Note: The default gr aph, displayed w hen you first
access the falloff g raph, shows the Sinual falloff
Joint Type—Determines how the modifier tracks
the angular motion of the bone. This is a per-bone
setting, not p er-morph. Default=Ball Joint.
Ba ll Joint—Tracks a ll rot at ion of the b one. Use
this sett ing in most c ases.
Planar Joint—Tracks rotation of the bone only
in the plane of its parent bone.
External Mesh—Lets you use a different mesh
asamorphtarget. Clickthebutton(default
label=-none-) and then select the target object.
structure as the Skin Morph object. After
specifying an external mesh, its name appears on
the button.
Using an external mesh makes it easier to set
reference pose, rather than the skinned, anim ated
mesh of which sections might be interpenetrating,
making it difficu lt to select the specific vertices to
be morphed. In this situation, it’s probably best to
turn Reload Only Selected Verts.
Note: The external-mesh connection is not live; if
you edit vertices in the external mesh, Skin Morph
doesn’t automatically recognize the changes.
To update the vertex positions after editing the
external mesh, use Reload Target (see following).
Reload Target—Updates the Skin Morph object
w ith edited vertex positions from the external
Reload only selected ver ts—When on, Reload
Target copies only the positions of vertices selected
in the Skin Morph mesh from the target mesh.
When off, Reload Target copies the positions of
all ver tices. Default=off.
Copy and Paste rollo ut
These functions let you copy all morph targets for
a specific bone from one side of the object to the
other. Indicate the morphs to copy by highligh ting
the bone or any of its morphs in the Parameters
rollout > list box.
Pas t e M i rr o r Copies the morphs from the
highlighted bone to the target on the other side of
the mirror gi z mo. A qualified target bone must
Note: This copies the morph data only; the rotation
the source bone for the morphing to appear in the
Show Mir ror Plane—Displays the mirror plane as
a red, rectangular gizmo in the viewports. The
target bone must be on the opposite side of the
mirror plane from the highlighted bone, and must
be present in the Parameters rollout > list box.