Skin Wrap Modifier 821
adding, right-click in the viewport or click Add
You can use as a control object any thing that can
be converted to a t riang le mesh, such as a mesh,
patch, or a NURBS object. However, avoid using
objects that change topology, such as a deforming
NURBS object with adaptive tessellation.
Remove—Remove s control objects from the list.
Click an object in the list, and then click Remove.
Deformation Engine—Determines which engine
drives the defor mation. Default=Vertex
The Vertex Deformation engine is a weig hted
engine; it uses vertex proximity to drive the
deformation. That is, each vertex in the
control object affects nearby points in the
high-resolution (base) m esh.
With the Face Deformation engine, each
control vertex is tied to the closest face in the
base object. Face deformation can use falloff,
0.001, the lowest possible value.
Fa lloff—Determines the extent to which the control
vertices affect nearby points in the base object.
This is a global setting. Default=1.0. Range=0.001
to 10.0.
Higher values pull nearby points closer to the
control vertex. In Face Deformation mode, setting
Falloff to the lowest value, 0.001, causes rigid
deformation so that there’s no falloff; the control
vertex either affects the base-object face or it
doesn’t. For best results, use Falloff values b etween
1.0 and 2.0, or with Face Deformation, 0.001 for
rigid mode.
Dist an ce In f l(uence)—Determines the distance of
influence, in system units, of control vertices in
the control object. This is a global setting, and
is available only i n Vertex Deformation mode.
Default=1.2. Range=0.001 to 10.0.
Distance Influence is a multiplier. It looks at the
length of each edge that touches each control
vertex. For each vertex, it averages all the lengths
and then multiplies the average by the Distance
Influence value. This lets vertices that are touching
only small faces to affect a small area, and
vice -versa. The higher the influence value, the
smoother the deformation, but the less individual
control each vertex has. For best results, keep this
value b etween 1.0 and 2.0.
Face LimitDetermines the extent of influence,
in control-object faces, of control vertices in
the control object. This is a global setting, and
is available only in Vertex Deformation mode.
Default=3. Range=0 to 10.
Be yond this limit, no base-object points can be
influenced by the control vertex, even if they’re
within the Distance Influence radius.
Face Limit is useful for preventing the
cont rol-object influence from bridging gaps in the
mesh; for example, between fingers in a character
Bl end To B a se M esh—Causes the modifier to base
point to the closest face in the control object.
setting available.
Bl end Dist ance—Determinestherelativedistance
between control-object faces and vert ices in
Available only when Blend To Base Mesh is on.
Increasing this setting effectively causes a stronger
control that affects the base object.
[local parameters]
Control Vertices sub-object level (see Skin Wrap
modifier stack (page 1–820) ), and affect only