Squeeze Modif ier 833
You can copy a named selection from one object
to another or one modifier to another. You must
copy and paste in the same sub-object level.
Squeeze Modifier
Modify panel > Make a selection. > Modifier List >
Object-Space Modifiers > Squeeze
Make a selection. > Modifiers men u > Parametric
Deformers > Squeeze
The Squeeze modifier lets you apply a squeezing
effect to objects, in which the vertices closest to
the object’s pivot point (page 3–995) move inward.
The squeeze is applied around the Squeeze gizmo’s
local Z axis. You can also use Squeeze to create
a bulge on the vertical axis, to accentuate the
squeeze effect.
Left: Original object
Middle and Right: Varying squeeze amounts
Inter face
Modifier Stack
Gizmo—At this sub-object level, you can transform
and animate the g izmo like any other object,
Translating the gizmo translates its center an equal
distance. Rotating and scaling the gizmo takes
place with respect to its center.
CenterAt this sub-object level, you can translate
and animate the cen ter, altering the Squeeze
gizmo’s shape, and thus the shape of the squeezed
For more information on the stack display, see
Modifier Stack (page 3–760).
Parameters rollout
Axial B ulge group
These controls let you apply a bulge eff ect along
the Squeeze gizmo’s local Z axis, which is aligned
by default with the object’s local Z axis.