Stretch Modifier 837
Parameters rollout
Use options in the Parameters rollout to set the
Area affected by the stretch
Stretch group
The Stretch group of the Parameters rollout has
two fields that control the a mount of stretch
scaling applied.
The scale factor derived from the Stretch value
varies according to the sign of the value.
Positive stretch values define a scale factor
equal to Stretch+1. For example, a st retch va lue
of 1.5 yields a scale fac tor of 1.5+1=2.5, or 250
Negative stretch values define a sca le factor
equal to -1/(Stretch-1). For example, a
stretch value of -1.5 yields a scale factor of
-1/(-1.5-1)=0.4, or 40 p ercent.
The calculated scale factor is applied to the
selected stretch axis and the inverse scale is
applied to the minor axes.
Stretch values of 0.0, 0.5, and -0.5
Amplify—Changes t he scale factor applied to the
minor axes. Amplify generates a multiplier using
then applied to the Stretch value before the scale
Amplify values affect scaling along the minor axes
in the following way:
A value of 0 has no effect. It us es the default
scale factor calculated from the Stretch amount.
Positive values exaggerate the eff ect.
Negative values reduce the effect.
Stretched objects with Amplify values of 0.0, 1.0, and -1.0.
Stretch Axis group
You select which of the object’s loca l axes is the
Stretch Axis using options in the Stretch Axis
group of the Parameters rollout.