Sweep Modifier 851
When you use the Merge from File option,
you will not be able to Undo your work.
MoveSweeps the custom sec tion a long the
specified spline. Unlike the Instance, Copy and
to the spline. Editing the original shape in the
viewports has no effec t on the Sweep mesh.
Co pySweeps a copy of the selected section along
the spe cified spline.
Instance—Sweeps an instance (page 3–957) of the
selected section to the specified spline.
Reference—Sweeps a reference (page 3–1002) of the
selected sec tion along the specified spline.
Note: When using Instance or Reference, adding
modifiers to or edit ing the original section in the
viewports w i ll change the Sweep mesh.
Interpolation rollo ut (Sweep mo difier)
The controls in the Interpolation rollout of the
Sweep modifier work exactly as they do for any
other spline. However, the controls affect only the
built-in section you’ve chosen , not the spline th at
the section is swept along.
Note: If you w ant to change the interpolation
settings of the underlying spline p ath, you need to
select the path object in the mo difier stack.
In general, all spline curves are divided into sma ll
straight lines that approximate a true cur ve. The
number of divisions between each vertex on the
spline are called steps. The more steps used, the
smoother the curve appears.
Note: The Interpolation rollout is only active when
built-in sections are used.
Left: The quar ter-round section is set to zero steps.
Right: The same section on the right is set to four steps.
Steps—S ets t he number of divisions, or steps,
the program uses between each built-in sec tion’s
vertices. Splines with ti ght c urves require m any
steps to look smooth while gentle curves require
fewer steps. Range=0 to 100.
Spline steps can be either adaptive or manually
specified. The method used is set by the state of
theAdaptiveswitch. Themainuseformanual
interpolation is to create splines for morphing
or other operations where you must have exact
control over the number of vertices created.
Optimi ze—When on, removes unneeded steps
from straight seg ments in the spline. Default=on.
Note: O ptimize is not available when Adaptive is
Left: Optimize is on for the left-hand sweep.
Right: Optimize is off for the right-hand sweep.
Adaptive—When on, automatically sets the
number of steps for each spline to produce a
smooth curve. Straight segments always receive
0 steps. When off, enables manual interpolation
control using Optimize and Steps. Default=off.