864 Chapter 8: Modifiers
Inter face
Modifier Stack
Gizmo—At this sub-object level, you can
transform and animate the gizmo like any other
object, alter ing the effect of the Taper modifier.
Translati ng the g izmo t ranslates its center an equa l
distance. Rotating and sca ling the gizmo takes
place with respect to its cen ter.
CenterAt this sub-object level, you can translate
and animate the center , altering the Taper gizmo’s
shape, and thus the shape of t he tapered object.
For more information on the stack display, see
Modifier Stack (page 3–760).
Moving the modifier’s center changes the gizmo shape.
Parameters rollout
The Taper modifier provides two sets of axes and a
symmetry setting in the Taper Axis g roup b ox of
the Parameters rollout. As with oth er modifiers,
these axes refer to the Taper gizmo, not the object
Taper group
Amount is a relative value with a maximum of 10.
CurveApplies a curvature to the sides of the Taper
gizmo, thus affect ing the shape of the tapered
object. Positive values produce an outward curve
along the tapered sides, negative values an inward
Taper Axis group
Prima r y Thecentralaxisorspineofthetaper:X,
Y, or Z . D efault=Z.
Effect—The axis, or pair of axes, indicating the
direction of the taper from the primary axis. The
available choices are determined by the choice of
primary axis. The effect axis can be either of the