894 Chapter 8: Modifiers
Unw rap UVW modifier and the Selection Modes
group. When you choose a sub-object level in one,
it’s also activated in the other. Similarly, selecting
sub-objects in a view p ort selects them in the editor
and vice-versa.
Expand Selection—Adds sub-objects to the
Vertex and face expansion proceeds outwards in
all available directions. Edge expansion proceeds
along available UV paths. For example, to select
a cluster outline, select one outer edge, and then
click Expand Selection repeatedly.
Contra ct S el e ct i on Shrinks the selection by
deselecting the outermost sub-objects.
Pai nt S elect M ode—Lets you “paint a
sub-object s election by dragging in the editor
window. After activating this mode, move the
cursor into the editor window, and then drag to
select sub-objects. To exit Paint Select mode,
right-click or choose a transform tool.
P aint mode selects only sub-objects that are fully
insidetheselectionbrush. Thedottedcircle
attached to the mouse shows the size of the brush.
Use the +/- buttons next to the paintbrush button
to change its size.
+/-—Increases and decreases the size of the Paint
Select mo de “brush”: the circle attached to the
mouse cursor.
Edge Loop—Expandsanexistingedgeselectionto
select all edges in the loop attached to the selected
edges. Select one or more edges, and then click
Edge Loop.
Edge Loop uses a center-path method to
calculateloopselection. Tobeabletoexpand
a selection, there must be an odd number of
edges attached to either end of a selected edge
the middle connected edge, and then continues
edge. Whenitencountersanedgeconnectedto
an even number of edges, or to which the middle
edge is already selected, it stops.
Sel ect E lement—Selecting a sub-object in a cluster
causes the entire cluster to become selected. Works
in all sub-object modes.
Rot(ate) +90—Rotates the selection 90 degrees
about its center.
Rot(ate) -90—Rotates the selection -90 degrees
about its center.
Bitmap Options group
Click the Options Button to make this group
Use Custom B itmap Size—When turned on, scales
the bitmap texture to the v alues specified by Width
and Height. You c an adjust these sett ings to scale
the texture coordinates. This sc aling doesn’t affect
the bitmap in the material, but only as viewed in
the editor.
Tip: When working w ith large textures, reduce
the bitmap size for faster feedback. And w hen
working with dispropor tionate textures, setting
the dimensions closer to each other in the editor
can make it easier to work.
WidthScales the bitmap along the horizontal
Height—Scales the bitmap along the vertical axis.
Tile B itmap—When turned on, you can repeat the
bitmap in the editor, displaying tiling set in the
material. You can use any par t of the t iled image
for setting texture coordinates. This is helpful
tightly together and the mesh contains many
different areas to map.