896 Chapter 8: Modifiers
Edit m e nu
transform func t ions, and copy and paste
Co pyCopies the current selection (i.e., texture
coordinates) into the paste buffer .
Pas te—Applies the texture mapping coordinates
in the paste buffer to the current selection. Using
Paste repeatedly with t he same target coordinates
causes the coordinates to rotate by 90 degrees each
coordinates (i.e., image) to a number of different
geometry faces. A typical example of usage would
be in designing a game level, w here you’re working
with a multi-image texture map, part of which is
a door image. You might want to apply the same
door image to several different door p olygons.
First, you would select one of the door polys and
positionitoverthedoorimage. Next,useCopy
Then select another door poly and choose Paste or
doors are mapped.
Tip: For best results, use comparable sets of texture
coordinates for the source and destination. For
example, copy a single four-sided face, and t hen
paste another four-sided face.
Past e Weld—Applies the contents of the paste
buffer to the current selection and then welds
coincident vertices, effectively fusing the s ource
and destination selections together.
texture coordinates that ’s applied to multiple
geometry elements. Adjusting these texture
coordinates changes the mapping for all geometry
to which they’re applied.
Move Mode—Lets you select and move sub-objects.
Rotate ModeLets you select and rotate
Scale ModeLets you select and scale sub-objects.
Freefor m Gi zmo—Lets you select and transform
ver tices. See Freeform Mode.
Select menu
These commands let you copy a viewport select ion
to the editor, and transfer selections among the
three different sub-object modes.
Conver t V er tex to Edge—Conver ts the c urrent
vertex selection to an edge selection and places
you in Edge sub-object mode. For an edge to b e
selected, both of its vert ices must be selected.
Conver t V er tex to Face—Converts the current
vertex select ion to a face selection and places you
in Face sub-object mode. For a face to be selected,
all of its vertices must be selected.
Conver t Edge to V er tex Converts the current edge
selection to a vertex selection and places you in
Ve r t e x sub - o b j e c t m o d e .
Co nvert Edge t o FaceConverts the current edge
selection to a face selection and places you in
Face sub-object mode. For a face to be selected,
the current edge selection must include all of its
vertices. For example, if two opposite edges of a
includes all four of the face’s vertices, so this
command will select the face.
Conver t Face to Ver t ex—Converts the current face
selection to a vertex selection and places you in
Ve r t e x sub - o b j e c t m o d e .
Conver t Face to E dge—Converts the current face
Edge sub-object mode.