Unwrap Options Dialog 921
Render Height
Specifies the height res olution.
Use Custom B itmap Size—When turned on, scales
the bitmap texture to the v alues specified by Width
and Height. You can adjust these settings to scale
and reproportion the bitmap texture in relation to
the texture coordinates. This scaling doesn’t affect
the bitmap in the material, but only as viewed in
the editor.
Tip: When working with large textures, reduce
the bitmap size for faster feedback. And when
working with dispropor t ionate textures, sett ing
the dimensions closer to e ach other in the editor
can make it easier to work.
repeated, counting outward in eight directions
(the four corners and the four sides).
With Ti les=1, the result is a 3 x 3 grid. With
Bitmap check box, described below.
Tile B rightness—Sets the brightness of the ti led
bitmap. At 1.0, the brightness equals that of the
original image; at 0.5 it’s half the brig htness; and
at 0, it’s black.
This is the same sett ing as Brightness in the UV W s
editor > Bitmap Options group (available with
Show Options).
Tile B itmap—When turned on, you can repeat the
bitmap in the editor, displaying ti ling set in the
mater ial.
You can use any part of the tiled image for setting
texturecoordinates. Thisishelpfulwhenthe
sect ions of the texture image a re packed tightly
together and the mesh contains many different
areas to map.
Affect Center T ile—When turned on, the Brightness
setting affects a ll t iles equal ly. When off, the center,
or home, tile always remains at full brightness,
so you can easily distinguish the home tile from
the copies.
Co nstant Update in Viewports— Affects the
adjusting of UVW vertices in the viewport while
you move the mouse. Default=off (the effect of
adjusting the UVW vertices does not appear in the
viewport until you release the mouse).
Show Image Alpha—Displays the alpha channel of
the background image in the editor, if it exists.
Show Hidden Edges—Toggles the display of face
edges. When turned off, only fa ces appear. When
turned on, all mesh geometry appears.
Blend T ile to B ack ground—Affects the color to
which tiles set to Brightness less than 1.0 blend.
When turned off, tiles blend to black. When
turned on, t iles blend to the background color.
Misc. Preferences
Center Pixel SnapWhen turned on, snaps to the
center of pixels of the background images instead
of pixel edges.
Gri d S nap—When on, snaps to g rid edges and
Vertex Snap—When on, snaps to
texture-coordina te vertices.
Edge S nap—When on, snaps to texture-coordinate
Weld Thresho ld Sets the r adius within which
welding using Weld Selected takes effect. The
setting is in UV-space distance. D efault=0.01.
Range=0 to 10.
Gr id Size—Sets the spacing of horizontal and
vert ical grid lines. Default=0.1.
Setting Grid Size to 0 effectively tur ns off the grid.
At the highest value, 1.0, the grid is the same size
as the texture.