UVW Map Modif ier 929
Mapping group
Different kinds of mapping are distinguished by
how t he map is geometric ally projected onto the
object and how the projection interacts with the
object’s surfaces.
Planar—Projects the map f rom a single plane flat
against the object, somewhat like projecting a slide.
Planar projection is useful when only one side of
an object needs to be m apped. It is a lso useful
for obliquely mapping multiple sides, and for
Planar map projection
Cy lindrical—Projects the map from a cylinder,
w r apping it around an object. Seams where the
edges of the bitmap meet are v isible unless a
seamless map is used. Cylindrical projection is
useful for objects that are roughly c ylindrical in
Cylindrical map projection
Cap—Applies planar map ping coordinates to the
caps of the c y linder.
Note: Iftheendsoftheobjectgeometryarenotat
rig ht ang les to the sides, the Cap projection bleeds
onto the sides of the object.
Spherical—Surrounds the object by projecting the
map from a sphere. You see a seam and mapping
singularities at the top and bottom of the sphere
where the bitmap edges meet at the sphere’s poles.
Spherical mapping is useful for objects that are
roughly spherical in shape.
Spherical map pro jection
Shrink Wrap—Uses spherical mapping, but
truncates the corners of the map and joins them
all at a single pole, creating only one singularity.