Painter Options Dialog 961
Draw Norma l—
A normal arrow appears as par t of
the p aint gizmo.
Draw Trace—Draws a trace (temporary mark) that
shows the path of the brush stroke on the surface.
Normal ScaleS ets the scale of the nor ma l arrow
in the pa int gizmo.
Mark er—Displays a circular marker at the end of
the normal arrow. The value next to Marke r sets
the height of the marker.
Pressure Options g roup
Enable Pressure S ensitivity—Tur n s on p ress ure
sensitivity for the paint gizmo brush.
Pressure Affects—Selects the brush par ameter to
be affected by pressure sensitivity. Choose from
four options: None, Strength, Size, or both size
and strength (Size/Str).
Predef ined S tr Pr essur e—Turn this option on to use
a predefined strength pressure. Click the button to
view and edit the falloff curve for the strength.
Predef ined S ize Pr essur e—Tur n thi s opt ion on to
use a predefined size pressure. Click the button to
v iew and edit the falloff curve for the size.
Mirror group
Mirror—Turn this option on to mirror the paint
gizmo on the other side of the objec t. C hoose an
axis from the drop-down menu. The paint gizmo
is mirrored about the selected axis in the world
coordinate system.
Gizmo Size—Changes the mir ror gizmo size to a
value you specify.
Misc group
Tree DepthDetermines the size of the quad t ree
used for hit testing. Tree Depth relates to the
amount of memory set aside for weight painting.
Larger values mean faster interaction but more
memory use.
Update On M ouse Up—Prevents the system from
updating viewports when the mouse button is
pressed. This can save time in your workflow.
Lag R ate—Determines how often the stroke
updates the painted surface. Higher values update
the sur face less often.