Editable Patch (Vertex) 975
See Geometry Rollout (Patch) (page 1–986) for
detailed descriptions of these controls.
Sur face Proper tie s rollout
rollout change the apparent surface tension by
moving vertices closer to, or away from, their
neighbors. The typical result is that the object gets
smoother and a little smaller as the vertices move
toward an averaged center point. You can see the
most pronounced effects on objects with shar p
corners and edges.
Relax V iewportsTurns on t he relax funct ion for
Relax ValueSets the distance a vertex moves as a
percentage of the distance between a vertex and
the average location of its neighbors. Range=-1.0
to 1.0. Default=0.5.
Each iteration recalculates average vertex locations
based on the result of the previous iteration.
Keep Boundary Points FixedVe r t i c e s at t h e e d g e
of open patches do not relax. Default=on.
Save Outer CornersPreserves the original
positions of vertices farthest away from the object
A patch box with Relax off (left), and Relax Value=1.0, with 1, 2,
and 3 iterations (left to right)
Editable Patch ( Ver tex)
Selec t an editable patch > Modify panel > Ex p and Editable
Selec t an editable patch > Modify panel > Se lection
rollout > Vertex button
Selec t an edi table patch > R ight-c lick the patch > Tools
1 (upper-lef t) quadrant of the quad menu > Sub-objects
single and multiple vertices and move them using
standard methods. You c an also move and rotate
vector handles (page 3–1029),thusaffectingthe
shapes of any p atches connected to the vertex.
To tra nsform either ver tices or vectors :
At Patch (Vertex) level, with Selection rollout >
Filter group > Vertices turned on, select vert ices
in the patch object yo u want to transform.
Vertices and their vectors both appear.
2. Turn off one of the filters, leaving the other on,
and choose a t r ansform.
A transform cursor appears when you move
onto a vertex or vector in the selection set.
You can toggle between filters to alternatively
transform either component.
To switch vertex ty pes:
Right-click a patch vertex.