
Technical What’s New
AEC Exchange
The new Export Building Components command
replaces the ABS Catalog Editor command in AEC
Exchange. This command saves model geometry,
properties, and connectors to an Autodesk Design
Package (.adsk) file. The .adsk file can be imported into
other Autodesk applications such as Autodesk Revit
MEP or AutoCAD MEP software.
When creating Duct and Pipe connectors, there are
new fields for System Type and Properties. The System
Type controls which properties are available for the
connector and the default values.
A new connector type called Electrical connector
has been added to the AEC Exchange environment.
This connector type supports electrical connections,
including power, telephone, alarm systems, and others.
CATIA V5 Translator
The new CATIA V5 translator gives you more flexibility
when working with vendors or customers that use
CATIA. You can import CATIA V5 files, versions R6
through R18, avoiding the need to use STEP or IGES.
The new translator reads both CATPart and CATProduct
files, bringing solids, surfaces, wires, and points into
Autodesk Inventor where they can then be used directly
in modeling operations. The CATIA translator also
exports models with support for CATIA V5 versions R10
through R18.
JT Translator
The existing JT export using tessellated surfaces is
enhanced with support for the JT precise (B-rep) format.
You can now import models with precise surface data to
support projects that require you to work with JT files
for eective collaboration with vendors or customers.
You can also export Inventor models as precise JT files
with the Save Copy As workflow. Supports JT Versions
8.2, 9.0, and 9.
Usability and Productivity
Continued investment in improving the usability across
the product results in better workflows and increased
productivity. Improvements are to be found in the core
user interface as well as application areas including
the drawing manager, assembly management, content
management, sheet metal design, design accelerators,
weldments installation, and licensing. The following
sections discuss these enhancements in more detail.
User Interface Enhancements
Task Oriented Ribbon
The new Autodesk Inventor user interface provides
access to commands on a ribbon in place of the menu
and panel bars. The ribbon provides a single, compact
placement for operations that are relevant to the
current task at hand.
The File menu has been replaced by the Application
menu, which provides access to commands used to
work on a file as a whole. Access the Application menu
by clicking on the Autodesk Inventor product icon
located on the upper far left of the product interface.
Located just above the ribbon is the new Quick Access
toolbar, which you can use to store commands that you
use frequently.
Document Tabs
Each open document has a tab displayed along the
bottom of the Inventor window making it possible to
switch between open documents with a single mouse
2D Spline Behavior
Tangent handles now display in a passive state when
you create a spline. You can now click anywhere on a
passive handle to activate it.
Two new commands are introduced to simplify a spline
The word Bowtie is gone, and all options are available in
the root context menu.
Endpoints are square, and fit points are diamond
shaped to help identify joined sections.
Autodesk Inventor 