User Guide

6. Bug Alert, read the screen and then refer
to the Bug section . A bug means an
unexpected condition has happened.
7. Once you have finished your program,
you must scan the end program card.
8. If you have got this far, then you don’t have
any bugs in your program. Now scan the
“Run Program Card”, place KaiBot down,
then KaiBot displays a 3,2,1 countdown
and will then run your program.
9. You can use KaiBot on the floor or a table
and KaiBot will perform your program.
BUT why stop here!
You might get wheel slippage on the floor or table
so try adding KaiTiles.
If you don’t have KaiTiles yet, you can just use masking tape on the floor, HOWEVER, you will get some
slippage from the wheels. For accurate driving of KaiBot you can layout your maze with KaiTiles and then
add some fun paper craft or MagTiles tiles as walls. MagTiles can be purchased from most leading